Marvin’s Room 2.0

May 3, 2012 by

I thought i could shake her by dating other girls, i guess not. N’ Sync on blast. How’s that for a double entendre?

How Ye doing?

January 16, 2012 by

Recently encountered this video. It shows a young Kanye rapping what i would consider a little more traditional hip hop. Love or hate the guy, either way he is playing you. You love talking shit about him and praising him, he’s a smart businessman simple as that. No such thing as bad publicity and as long as he is in the publics eye, he’s making money and you aren’t. I like this video for the fact that it shows he has classic hip hop “training” as stupid as his current lyrics are.

Marvin’s Room

September 5, 2011 by

So, I’m pretty much dying inside. I’m a glutton for punishment. This is the most emo post i will write. I promise. It’s been some time, she’s obviously not contacting me as to let me go slowly/nicely. She’s too nice and doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. She’s def in love with him. Unfortunately, I’m in love with her. I just have to deal, i suppose. It REALLY FUCKING SUCKS, it feels like my heart is being ripped into a million pieces. I just need to compose myself and move on. Easier said than done though. I miss her A LOT. Miss. M know that you were the most amazing person I’ve met to this date and i will cherish the time we spent together. No hard feelings.

Yeah… I know

July 13, 2011 by

So it’s been a while i guess. I’ve been lazy. Life pretty much sucks. Her ex is one lucky dude. Girls like that are one in a million. A BILLION actually. Congrats to her and i wish her the best, she deserves it. Yeah i got a little emo, sorry guys. It’s not like anyone reads this thing anyway. Kevin Flynn status…


March 28, 2010 by

Why does everyone think they are a photographer now? Just because you have a DSLR or know how to photoshop you are a photographer. Most of these guys can’t produce these kinds of pictures on 35mm, or any film for that matter, if their lives depended on it. Respect the art form guys. Go out to local bookstore, purchase a fucking camera book and learn how to really take pictures. Try manual focus. I was talking to a “photographer” and he couldn’t tell me what his aperture settings were. In fact, he didn’t even know what it was. Really guy? You talk this big camera talk, but can’t even tell me what aperture is, that’s just sad. What is the world coming to?


March 16, 2010 by

I just got bored and read a persons blog. This particular person i had no problems with for several years yet this individual has insisted on hating me because i copied one of his college calculus assignments almost 9 years ago. The article was entitled “forgiveness”. The bulk of the article talked about how he was the better person and “let things go”.  I couldn’t help, but laugh out load and at the same time become infuriated. Funny how ironic the article was to our situation. There have not been many people that I’ve wanted to punch in the face, but man this guy takes the cake. In fact i’ve tried to make amends with this particular person yet he talks to me like i’m below him and or continues to talk shit about me to this day. I believe it is those who are true in character that are willing to bring it out to the open and squash such beef. I’m going to flat out and say it. Dude, you are a douche bag piece of shit. If you were really so righteous, you would just keep that shit to yourself. People that lie to themselves on a daily basis just make me sick. Sure my blogs are shallow and hateful, but i just try and “keep them real”. That’s something that not a lot of people are willing to do. Don’t write a blog about morals then turn around and do the opposite. No offense to you Christians out there, but don’t make bible quotes then turn your back and do something totally opposite. Who’s the really bad person?

Much like a former roommate of mine, she has held a grudge against me for i don’t know how many years. I’ve sincerely apologized to her many times and she still does not believe me. Last time i saw her i thought our dispute was settled so i said hello to her. She then pretends not to see me as i am standing about 3 feet away from her. She then proceeds to whisper some shit talking into my friends ear who is standing next to me. Get over yourself you bitch, you’re not fucking Lady GaGa. Really? You see i’m still wearing the same clothes? I haven’t seen you for several years and this is what you have to say to me. FUCK YOU!  Sure i like fashion too, but i don’t fucking judge people’s character on what they wear shit. I have so much dirt on you, but i kept it civil and i will continue to unless you cross the line again. This is one of the many great realizations i have come to as an adult. Sure i still blog about “cool” clothes and neat gadgets and what not, but i don’t let these things rule my life. I still rock tees I’ve had since middle school. I’ve come to terms with my accomplishments and struggles in life. I admit to my strengths and weaknesses, it’s time for you to do the same, you fucking cunt bitch.

Ol’ Blue Eyes

January 25, 2010 by

I’m also tired of these Frank Sinatra dick riders, it’s really getting old guys. You think that just because you’ve been listening to Frankie for like 2 weeks that you are some great music connoisseur. Fucking tools, yeah this is def a hate blog right now. I just saw someone post Frank lyrics as their fb status, c’mon really? Stop lying to yourself, you are fucking 27. There is no way that you can even fathom the mans importance to music, simply because of your age. Tell me anything historically about the man and perhaps i will give you a speckle of respect. Until then, stop lying to yourself and others. I should start putting up Patsy Cline lyrics as my fb status, then i too can be sophisticated and classy. Fucking pretentious fucks. LOL
PS- Little kids in the mall/hanging out downtown stop rocking Ramones and old punk/ classic rock shirts you fucking posers.

Kid Sister Mang

January 24, 2010 by

Wow this CD is amazing, catchy beats, catchy lyrics, and that Chicago style i love so much. Guys this girl is underrated, cop this CD.

Yo Kids

December 10, 2009 by

Lately, I’ve been feeling the Bat for Lashes Fur and Gold Album. I’m not the biggest indie rock head, but lately find myself straying away from my old school/indie hip hop roots. I’ve always listened to indie rock, but just haven’t had enough of it in my repertoire. Well Bat for Lashes you’ve been added to my favorites. Right up there with TV on the Radio and Fences. Don’t worry kids i have not left the world of hip-hop. I am just expanding my horizons.  Aw yes, finals time is upon me, time to slip back  into the sewer. Then again i haven’t been the most dedicated blogger either.

2001-2005 Honda Civic

October 25, 2009 by

I’m sorry, but as an owner of one of these cars I’m quite disappointed. Don’t get me wrong they are fairly reliable, but having a faulty exhaust manifold attached to a Cat. That’s just poor design. Then having the audacity of charging $600+ for it, now that’s where i draw the line. Don’t get me wrong the cars are great, but not exactly up to par for their cost and value. Corollas of the same year kick the civics ass in every aspect except for styling. Maybe I’m just whining because i just bought a part and now have to return it because it didn’t have a cat. I think that has a lot to do with it. Anyway, I’d just like to reiterate 01-05 civic coupe/sedan=disappointing. Also disappointed for the lack of aftermarket parts as well. I’ll leave it at that with a quick minute rant.