

I just got bored and read a persons blog. This particular person i had no problems with for several years yet this individual has insisted on hating me because i copied one of his college calculus assignments almost 9 years ago. The article was entitled “forgiveness”. The bulk of the article talked about how he was the better person and “let things go”.  I couldn’t help, but laugh out load and at the same time become infuriated. Funny how ironic the article was to our situation. There have not been many people that I’ve wanted to punch in the face, but man this guy takes the cake. In fact i’ve tried to make amends with this particular person yet he talks to me like i’m below him and or continues to talk shit about me to this day. I believe it is those who are true in character that are willing to bring it out to the open and squash such beef. I’m going to flat out and say it. Dude, you are a douche bag piece of shit. If you were really so righteous, you would just keep that shit to yourself. People that lie to themselves on a daily basis just make me sick. Sure my blogs are shallow and hateful, but i just try and “keep them real”. That’s something that not a lot of people are willing to do. Don’t write a blog about morals then turn around and do the opposite. No offense to you Christians out there, but don’t make bible quotes then turn your back and do something totally opposite. Who’s the really bad person?

Much like a former roommate of mine, she has held a grudge against me for i don’t know how many years. I’ve sincerely apologized to her many times and she still does not believe me. Last time i saw her i thought our dispute was settled so i said hello to her. She then pretends not to see me as i am standing about 3 feet away from her. She then proceeds to whisper some shit talking into my friends ear who is standing next to me. Get over yourself you bitch, you’re not fucking Lady GaGa. Really? You see i’m still wearing the same clothes? I haven’t seen you for several years and this is what you have to say to me. FUCK YOU!  Sure i like fashion too, but i don’t fucking judge people’s character on what they wear shit. I have so much dirt on you, but i kept it civil and i will continue to unless you cross the line again. This is one of the many great realizations i have come to as an adult. Sure i still blog about “cool” clothes and neat gadgets and what not, but i don’t let these things rule my life. I still rock tees I’ve had since middle school. I’ve come to terms with my accomplishments and struggles in life. I admit to my strengths and weaknesses, it’s time for you to do the same, you fucking cunt bitch.

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